The Herosinger Blog is live + Tag and Giveaway!


Welcome to the Herosinger Blog!

This is my writing blog, where I will be posting tidbits of writer life, writing tips, snippets, and the occasional book review.

I will be posting on Tuesdays with writer lifestyle, and Saturdays with an article.

In celebration, I have written a tag for you all, (feel free to answer in the comments below if you don’t have a blog) and I am giving away a $10 Amazon gift card and a $15 Adagio Teas gift card as a Books-and-Tea package. Thanks for stopping by!

Here it is!

1. Coffee or tea?

2. Rainy days or sunny days?

3. What is one food you couldn’t live without?

4. Give three words that describe you.

5. What would you do if you had a free hour and could do anything you wanted to?

6. What is your favorite book-to-movie adaption?

7. If there was one location from a book you could go to, where would it be?

8. If you could meet one character from a book, who would it be?

9. If you could ask one author of the past a question, who would it be? What would you ask?

 10. If you could change one event you didn’t like in a book, what would it be?

Link to the giveaway here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

73 thoughts on “The Herosinger Blog is live + Tag and Giveaway!

  1. After all your hard work, it’s finally here! 😀
    My dear girl, congratulations on starting your blog. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.
    I love you, Em!



  2. This looks awesome, Emily! I can’t wait to read more. 🙂

    If I could meet one character from a book, I’d probably choose Enjolras from Les Mis. While I don’t think we’d agree on everything, it’d be fascinating to sit down with him and have a chat. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations, Emily dear!!! *hugs* I’m so happy and excited for you! Your blog is shiny and pretty, and I love knowing what the name means now. ^_^

    I shall be haunting the doorstep from now on. You’ll never be able to get rid of me. 😉

    I can’t wait until next week when my blog is live so I can participate in the launch tag. *gleeful grin*


    1. Aww, your enthusiasm is certainly contagious, my dear! I so appreciate your support. Uh oh, I shall have to make sure that I am not boring, now that you are on my doorstep! 😉 And I must, must check out your tag when you do it…I can’t wait to see what your answers will be!


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  4. Congratulations on your blog launch! I stumbled across you this morning through My Lady Bibliophile, and I couldn’t resist joining your tag. I’m looking forward to your forthcoming posts and learning about your WIP’s. I love hearing about other people’s work.


    1. I am so glad that you came by! I went over to your blog and I have a feeling that we would get along quite well! It is very nice to meet other bloggers who enjoy the same things. 🙂 I love your tag answers!



  5. Congratulations on your blog launch! I’m sure your parents are very proud! By the way, I went to school with your Dad. I prefer coffee, sunny days and pizza!!


    1. Wow, it’s neat to “meet” someone who knew my dad when he was young! I agree with you on your choices, I love coffee, sun, and pizza, preferably all at the same time. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!



    1. Thank you! I still haven’t gotten over how happy I am with the header. 🙂

      Choose both-I love it! Most of the time when pressed, I would choose coffee, but some kinds of tea rank just as high for me.



  6. Emily I always knew you would grow up to be some kind of artist I guess your form of art is your writing. Good luck and love you


  7. Yay!! Lovely blog, Emily! 🙂 The colors are beautiful and so are your pictures. I can’t wait to see your posts–I’m sure I’ll be a very regular visitor. 😉

    And as for a tag question, I did #7. I’d love to go everywhere they visited in the Viking Quest series–Ireland, Norway, and Greenland are the three main places the stories took place.


    1. Aw, thanks Carrie-Grace! I’m so glad you like it. 🙂

      I totally agree with you on that one–I would love to go to all three places! I forgot to mention the Nordic countries when Schuyler asked me which places I wanted to visit. Oh well. So happy to see you here!



  8. #9. I think I’d like to have a chat with the Sainted Thomas More and ask him whether his “History of Richard III” was meant to be real history, political thriller, or social commentary. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. #8. Believe it or not, I’ve always wanted to race for my life in the Highlands with Alan Breck. When I was younger, I imagined all sorts of escapades in my head with him and Davie. Goes to show that even a reserved lass can have some wild adventure tucked away. 😉 Looking forward to answering the rest of this tag soon!


  10. Welcome to the blogging world, Emily! I came across your blog through the interview with Lady Bibliophile – your answers were great. It sounds like you have great plans for writing, and I’m looking forward to hearing more about them!
    God bless,


  11. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere, Emily! I look forward to dropping by in the future!

    I have always wanted to visit Narnia. Always. I used to sit in my wardrobe and hope. I’d also love to visit my own version of Sarras, because I put lots of my favourite things into it. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why thank you, Suzannah! I’m so glad you dropped in and said hi!

      I used to do the same thing! We had an old wardrobe at our church and I used to go in there and hope against all hope. Suffice to say, I’ve always wanted to visit Narnia too. And to be honest, I would mind visiting your version of Sarras, either. It sounds so beautiful. 🙂



  12. Hi Emily,

    Oh the website….and you 🙂 are soooo pretty.

    This will be fun…I don’t follow anyone else besides Lauren so I will feel like one of the “Young Girls” every time I get a blog update from you!



  13. Hi Emily,
    I learned about your blog from Lauren Lotter and thought I’d come over. It looks lovely.
    To answer a question, I don’t like coffee and never drink it and I really don’t care for tea either. If I need a hot drink I’d much prefer hot cider or hot chocolate. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. What a fun idea!

    1. Coffee or tea?
    Hmm…Coffee. Iced, please!

    2. Rainy days or sunny days?
    I like both. If I need to do projects, sunny — because rainy days tempt me to do nothing but read all day. 😉

    3. What is one food you couldn’t live without?

    4. Give three words that describe you.
    Christian, Book-lover, Musician

    5. What would you do if you had a free hour and could do anything you wanted to?
    A lot of things that would take way more than an hour!

    6. What is your favorite book-to-movie adaption?
    Hmm…North and South maybe?

    7. If there was one location from a book you could go to, where would it be?
    The Wild West in the 1880s!

    8. If you could meet one character from a book, who would it be?
    Marty Davis 🙂

    9. If you could ask one author of the past a question, who would it be? What would you ask?
    I would be very interested to know if Elizabeth Gaskell was a born-again believer…

    10. If you could change one event you didn’t like in a book, what would it be?
    Wow…I would have to really think about this one!! 🙂


  15. This looks like it’s going to be a great blog! I’m looking forward to seeing what you have for us to see. 🙂 And to answer some questions above, I love tea, and rain and sun, but I especially love it when it’s rainy and sunny at the same time. 😀


  16. Dearest Emily,

    Congratulations! I’m so thrilled for you. You look absolutely lovely and seeing the pictures makes me miss you so much! Many hugs! Have fun blogging.

    By the way, coffee, rainy days and chocolate all the way!! I didn’t even have to think about those ones. 😉 I would describe myself as reserved, whimsical and artistic.

    Love and hugs,


    1. Oh, thank you, Lucy! I was so nice to see that you commented. 😀

      I could have guessed those three…we will have to get together and have a day that involves all three.

      Love you so much!


  17. I filled out your tag over on my blog which, incidentally, I just launched last week, and will primarily be a book review blog. If you ever need a beta reader or reviewer just notify me in the comment section on my blog and I’d love to help out.


  18. I looooveee rainy days. It’s the perfect writing atmosphere and I just can’t get enough of them. :p
    Also, I like to think that I wouldn’t be able to live without pizza. I’m a huge pizza addict. xD
    So excited about your blog! Congratulations. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, rainy days are PERFECT for writing stories!
      I am also a pizza addict…it’s almost scary how long I could eat it without ever getting tired of it. 😉
      Thanks for visiting, I’m looking forward to seeing you around!


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  19. Hello Emily! I love your blog! Welcome to the blogging community, I hope it is as wonderful an experience as I’ve found it as well :D. I loved your interview on Schuyler’s blog, and it is lovely to meet a like-minded young woman with a love for the Lord, family, writing, literature and music! (so many cool things!) and am excited to get acquainted more ^_^.

    I love the design of your blog too – very pretty!

    I will try to write a post with the tag questions for sure soon – they’re such nice questions!
    Hmm, I think my three favourite book-to-movie adaptions would be (and I had to mention three, because I’m funny like that): The Lord of the Rings films, The Hobbit films (yes, they were not the perfect scene-by-scene adaptions to the actual texts, but they’re such epic films that carry so much of the spirit and heart of the books, I love them to bits!) and “North and South” BBC adaption of Gaskell’s novel (love that!). . . what’s your favourite?

    Many blessings in Christ,
    Joy @


    1. Thanks for the welcome, Joy! I am glad you like the blog, and I am looking forward to seeing you around!

      I personally love the Hobbit films as an adaption (with a couple exceptions, of course), I feel like even though some of the events were switched up, they stayed really true to the spirit of the book. (Like you said!) I also liked Narnia The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe as an adaption…they did a good job for the most part with staying true to the events. There are so many more I could mention (North and South among them) that I really enjoy, but I don’t have the time to name them all.

      Thanks for dropping in! 😀


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  20. Hello Emily,
    I admire writers because I can’t write stories but I love reading them.
    I would change the ending of Rupert of Hentzau . Rudolph Rassendyll just can’t die.
    God Bless,


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