How To: Editing Treat Box

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As some of you know, I am currently editing my WIP (work-in-progress), and while I’ve done some editing before, this is the first time I have done an edit to send to beta readers. I have to admit, on the verge of this undertaking I was a little intimidated.

So I made myself a survival kit. I didn’t have a clear outline for it at first…I just figured I would collect some nice things to help keep me happy and sane. And then I mentioned it to a friend, and she asked if I could write a post about it.

Oh, twist my arm…I love talking about treats.

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What’s inside:

  1. A mug
  2. Instant coffee
  3. A fancy notebook
  4. Nice pencils
  5. Treats
  6. A useful or inspiring book

These are just a few of the many things I could have included. You could put in a candle or a CD, or a gift card to a restaurant when you just really need that break from cooking.  Bottom line: choose things that are helpful and make you happy. For me, that’s instant coffee and pretty pencils.

And just saying, these would make great gifts for writing friends.

Is a treat box needful, you may ask? Can’t you just make yourself do the work? Of course you can. But editing is hard. Everyone who has been through it can tell you that. In the end, I’m not going to remember the few bucks that mug cost me, I’m going to remember the memories I made with my coffee in one hand and my WIP in the other, changing worlds.

What would you put in your treat box? Have you ever made yourself one?

9 thoughts on “How To: Editing Treat Box

  1. This is so cool!! I must confess, the idea of choosing treats opens up a hither-to unexplored Magic Wonderland. I have never thought about that, and I can’t wait to put together a First Draft box for myself this fall. I may need some help knowing what to put inside. 😉 Thanks for writing this! You don’t know how it helps.



  2. This is such a great idea, Emily – editing is a painful process at times, and those little treats and the tea/coffee would be definite bright spots to a day’s work! Also pretty objects, like pencils, a pretty setting of candles, or a view-seat by the window can do miracles in cheering on one to cut and clean those chapters away! 😀

    Thank you for sharing, and all the best with your editing of your Work-in-Progress ^_^.


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